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Thank you all for wearing your masks, etc. and making it possible for us to continue to meet in person!

We are so grateful to God that we are able to meet once again, and that we have some new friends who have joined us! For those of you joining via Facebook, please know that you're always welcome to come worship with us in person. You are part of our family, and we thank God for you!


We will continue to  "live stream" our sermons on our Facebook page at 11:30 a.m.


Please click on the Facebook link at the top of the page to be directed to our Home Page. Please select to be notified by Facebook when we are "streaming live." 


 We can't wait to see you all on Sunday! 


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Church Office at (252) 445-3310

© 2022 Enfield Baptist Church

200 W Burnette Ave

Enfield, NC 27823

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